
下巴 畸形


下巴 deformities are a common condition, ranging from mild abnormalities to more severe defects that can be surgically corrected. 在某些情况下, the upper or lower jaw — 或两个 — may grow too little or too much, 导致错牙合, the improper alignment of the teeth in relation to the first molars.

Besides growth differences between your upper and lower jaws, jaw deformities may be caused by genetic factors, trauma and certain birth defects, 如 唇腭裂.

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迹象 & 症状

下巴 deformities can lead to problems with speaking, chewing, swallowing and breathing. The condition also may cause undue stress on your 颞下颌关节(TMJ) and facial muscles, affecting the long-term health of your gums and teeth. 下巴 deformities also may cause pain, degeneration and jaw clicking.

除了, improper alignment of your jaws and teeth may affect the entire appearance of your face. Correcting your jaw deformity may greatly improve your facial aesthetic. You may have one of the following aesthetic problems due to your jaw deformity:

  • 下咬合或上咬合, caused by malocclusion (the improper alignment of the teeth in relation to the first molars)
  • "Gummy smile," in which your upper jaw has grown too far down
  • "Long face syndrome," in which you have an open bite with a long-looking face
  • "Toothless smile," in which your upper jaw is too small


When making a diagnosis of your jaw deformity, your oral and maxillofacial surgeon will first start by asking about your medical history and conducting a thorough physical and dental evaluation. 这将包括评估:

  • 你脸部的比例
  • Functional problems and abnormalities related to your jaw and teeth
  • Problems with dental hygiene, 如 recession of gums
  • Functional problems and abnormalities related to your air passageway, 这可能会导致问题,如 睡眠呼吸暂停

除了, 对你的脸部进行成像测试, 比如x光和扫描, also may be recommended to assess potential treatment approaches.


下巴 deformities caused by unequal jaw growth can be surgically corrected. Treating your jaw deformity will eliminate or greatly reduce any problems related to your condition, 比如咀嚼, breathing and speaking difficulties, as well as restore the aesthetic balance of your entire face.

Corrective jaw surgery involves moving all or part of the upper or lower jaw, 或两个, 进入一个更平衡的位置. The majority of the surgery is performed inside the mouth without any external scarring. A hospital stay and recovery period may be necessary for more involved surgeries, while minor procedures can be performed on a same-day basis.

After the jaws are moved into their new position, rubber bands or wires attached to the teeth may be used to fasten the jaws together during healing. 在其他情况下, miniature screws and plates are used to allow you to open and close your jaws sooner after corrective surgery.

也, some people require orthodontic treatment, 如 braces or other appliances, to align their teeth properly before corrective jaw surgery. 在这些情况下, your oral and maxillofacial surgeon will work closely with an orthodontist to coordinate your care to prepare you for surgery.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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